work-back Thinking about using eLearning as a training tool?

Vikki Byrne • 2 min read

Here’s OSP’s guide to getting started:



  1. Create a learning strategy and set goals
    Identify areas in your organisation that require training and define your objectives. Then make a list of the measurable outcomes you’re aiming to achieve.
  2. Identify a solution that fits both your goals and your audience
    Keep in mind the age and background of users, their level of experience with technology and what devices they will use to access any training program.
  3. Get your team on board
    Communicate your concerns, goals and strategy to your team/stakeholders. Describe the benefits of an eLearning program.


Develop & Design


  1. Write your content
    Identify an expert in the specific learning area and ask them to share their knowledge. Their thoughts can then be translated into jargon free, digestible content.
  2. Instructional design
    The key to successful eLearning is considered user experience, good content and intelligent design. The more interactive the program, the more likely your learners will engage with the content and remember it.
  3. Test, review and amend
    Test your tech! Make sure your training works on your LMS or other chosen platform. Be sure to review, proof and amend any content you are unsure about. Pass it around the team and take on board any feedback.




  1. Upload and launch your content
    Once the eLearning modules are complete, signed off and ready to go, all that’s left to do is upload the content and share it with your team. Well done! You’ve cut travel costs, reduced time spent away from the office and ensured everyone has received the same training, wherever they’re based.
  2. Track and assess
    Collect data on learner progress, analyse and use to strengthen and evolve your training going forward. Track who has completed the training and assess how successful it has been by reviewing knowledge check results.
  3. Measure your success
    Have you met your goals? Has the training been effective? Get feedback from the learners. Take all the feedback and results on board so you can apply it to your next eLearning project.


If you think eLearning might be the solution to your training needs, give us a call to find out more on +44(0)1291 636300 or email our Creative Director Vikki Byrne at: