Lisa Rennison • 2 min read
Employee name: Lisa Rennison
Employee job title: Business Manager
Length of time with OSP: 10 years and 8 months
Employee job title: Business Manager
Length of time with OSP: 10 years and 8 months
What does your job entail? My key responsibilities include overseeing operations, managing the company finances and making sure the office runs smoothly... which includes keeping the emergency chocolate topped up!
What do you like most about your job? The variety and the buzz of being in a fast-paced boutique agency — and of course the people, my extended family!
Favourite work memory? Successfully passing my first BSI audit in 2011. The auditor arrived whilst the MD was on leave and I wasn't expecting them but I was able to provide everything they needed and answer all of their questions. I've been managing the process ever since and I'm proud to say we've held our accreditation for 14 years now.
If I wasn't so good at my job, I would be... Unemployed?! In my youth, I always wanted to be a pilot so maybe I'd give that a try! :)
Hobbies? According to my partner Al, my favourite pastime is forcing him to do DIY but, to be honest, I don't really have any hobbies. Most of my spare time is spent with my family.
Fun/surprising fact people might not know? Fun fact: I was a buxom tavern keeper in a 17th Century re-enactment group for a number of years so I like to think of Chepstow Castle as my second home! Surprising fact: I was resuscitated twice en route to Frenchay Hospital on Christmas Day 1993 following a severe asthma attack so I owe my life to some amazing paramedics.
Favourite quote? "All you need is faith, trust and a little bit of Pixie Dust" Tinkerbell.
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