Summary of Brief:
Design and build a series of customer focused interactive ‘paid for’ app-based learning modules. Research and write content, design the user experience, suggest and develop interactive features, process illustration and image research, programme content and publish in the Elucidat eLearning platform.
What we did:
- Researched and wrote the content.
- Split up the content into bite site chunks of information to make it more palatable for the end user.
- Applied design thinking combined with learning principles to identify the most effective way of displaying the information in a memorable way for the user.
- Developed design concept.
- Refreshed design and updated icons and illustrations.
- Edited, programmed and published eLearning content.
- Kept client in the loop and updated the project tracker.
- As part of an additional brief, updated and designed materials for the company’s structured patient educational diabetes training workshops.
- Refreshed and redesigned six pieces of printed material (ranging from 24 to 82 pages), plus flipcharts, certificates and other display items.
- Followed brand guides.